Studying Abroad
Can you study abroad for a full semester as a pre-health student?!
Yes!! But it requires planning! The below information will give you an idea of what courses you can take at one of our flagship locations (London, Mérida, or Strasbourg). For other locations, you should visit Centre Global in Old Carnegie early in your time at Centre College.
Centre in London (Spring only)
Students always have the option to fulfill the below course requirements:
General Education: DLM 3
Experiential Learning: Global Engagement (G)
Exploration: Arts & Humanities (E1), Social Studies (E2)
Courses (students select four of the following courses):
POL 431 British Politics (E2)
THR 341 Contemporary London Theatre (E1)
Four rotating electives taught by Centre faculty members (see CentreNet)
In addition to the flagship programs, Centre offers a wide range of opportunities to study off campus. Further information on all study abroad/away semester programs can be found in Via Global.
Centre in Mérida (Fall, CentreTerm, and Spring)
Students always have the option to fulfill the below course requirements:
General Education: DLM 3
Experiential Learning: Global Engagement (G), Internship (INT)
Language: half of the requirement (if placed at the introductory level), full requirement (if placed above the introductory level)
Sustainability (S)
Mandatory Courses
Course taught by a Centre faculty member (DLM 310; see CentreNet).
Spanish language course tailored to their level of Spanish. Students can take three Spanish courses if they have completed SPA 220. In addition to introductory and intermediate language courses, offerings include:
SPA 221: Spanish for Health Professionals (can replace SPA 220; flyer)
SPA 240: Advanced Spanish Conversation or SPA 250: Introduction to Literary Analysis
SPA 271: Latin American Culture Abroad
SPA 360: Contemporary Latin American Literature
Additional Courses (students select two of the following courses):
ANT 451 Ancient Maya Culture
BUS 261 Business of Tourism
ENS 251 Human Ecology of the Yucatan (S)
INT 400 Internship
Rotating elective taught by Centre faculty member (see CentreNet).
Alternatively, students with high levels of Spanish can enroll in up to two classes directly at the University of Marista. Please consult the faculty director.
Check out the course descriptions for the above courses.
CentreTerm Internship in Mérida
Students complete a 4-week internship in a field of their choice; possibilities include medical, business, museum, education, and nonprofit placements. While students are responsible for securing their own internships prior to the start of CentreTerm, resources and guidance are provided by the Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) and Centre's partner organization Tsikbal.
Centre in Strasbourg (Fall and Spring)
Students always have the option to fulfill the below course requirements:
General Education: DLM 3
Experiential Learning: Global Engagement (G)
Exploration: Social Studies (E2)
Language: half of the requirement (if placed at the introductory level), full requirement (if placed above the introductory level)
Difference, Equity and Inclusion (D)
Mandatory Courses
Course taught by Centre faculty member (see CentreNet).
French language course tailored to their level of French.
Additional Courses (students select two of the following):
AAS 260 Intro to France’s Relations with African Countries (D)
POL 461 The Construction of Europe (E2)
Rotating elective taught by Centre faculty member (see CentreNet).